上海菁昌实业有限公司    人因工程    BrainMaster Atlantis / 2EB hardware

BrainMaster Atlantis / 2EB hardware



BrainMaster Technologies, Inc.成立于1995年,为临床和非临床人群提供创新的、高质量的、价格合理的脑电图(EEG)系统,用于评估、治疗、研究和教育。BrainMaster基于脑电图的评估和神经调节技术的各个阶段进行研究、开发、生产、教育和培训。BrainMaster保持最高的专业标准,包括全球医疗注册、专利、科学和临床出版物。BrainMaster的技术融合了我们在硬件、软件、通信、教育、互联网和不断扩大的虚拟世界方面的优势。BrainMaster与客户、同事和合作伙伴的合作,致力于改变心理和大脑健康以及人类潜能的面貌。




使用3.0软件时,放大器带宽扩展为高频训练。2个高质量的放大器。输入阻抗:1000 GOhms;采样精度:0.4微伏;工作带宽:0.5-64.0 hz,拟以每秒256个采样或更快的速率进行采样;CMRR最低120db;PC接口:隔离USB, AUX (HEG)接口标准。

强大、可靠、可升级、易用,是行业脑电图的主力。由BrainMaster 3.0软件版本支持,为BrainMaster提供生物探索者增强驱动;BrainMirror 1.2和其他正在开发的软件。


What is included in this package:

1 - BrainMaster 2EB

1 - 5 - 48" Gold Electrodes - Cup

1 - USB Cable

1 - 4oz. 10/20 Paste

1 - 4oz. NuPrep Gel

1 - BrainMaster Carrying Case

1 - BrainMaster 3.0 Clinical License

1 - Complimentary 1 year Affiliate Membership

Excellent entry level Neurofeedback system! USB Interface. Same specifications as BrainMaster’s original workhorse the AT-2E Wideband:Previously only available with remote training passkey licenses. Now available for professional/clinical use as well.

Amplifier bandwidth extended for high frequency training when using 3.0 software. 2 high quality amplifiers.Input impedance: 1000 GOhms; sampling accuracy: 0.4 microvolts; operating bandwidth: 0.5-64.0 Hz-and is intended to be sampled at a rate of 256 samples per second or faster; CMRR 120 dB minimum; interface to PC: isolated USB, AUX (HEG) interface standard.

Robust, reliable, upgradeable, easy to use, the industry EEG workhorse. Supported by BrainMaster 3.0 software release, the BioExplorer Enhanced Driver for BrainMaster; BrainMirror 1.2 and additional software in development.

Researchers and practitioners who are working at 40 Hz and above (gamma band) training will find this device of value. It provides superior recording and feedback of fast EEG rhythms 256 sampling rate, provides high resolution recordings for assessment and training purposes.

What is included in this package:

  • 1 - BrainMaster 2EB
  • 1 - 5 - 48" Gold Electrodes - Cup
  • 1 - USB Cable
  • 1 - 4oz. 10/20 Paste
  • 1 - 4oz. NuPrep Gel
  • 1 - BrainMaster Carrying Case
  • 1 - BrainMaster 3.0 Remote Unlimited License
  • 1 - Complimentary 1 year BrainMaster Affiliate Membership
